RAYMOND JAMES® Peru Office: 2 North Broadway | (765) 473-5740 FIRST FARMERS BANK & TRUST invest with us, no matter where you bank. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc, member FINRA/SIPC Securities are not insured by FDC or any other Government agency, are not deposits or obligations of Fiest Farmers Bank &Tnust, are not guaranteed by First Farmers Bank &Trust and are subject to risks, indluding possible loss of principal Investment Advisory Services ane offered theough Raymond James Financial Services Advisons, Inc. First Farmers Bank &Trust and Fint Farmers Bank & Trust Investment Geoup are not registered broker/dealers and are independent of Raymond James Financial Services INVESTMENT GROUP RAYMOND JAMES® Peru Office: 2 North Broadway | (765) 473-5740 FIRST FARMERS BANK & TRUST invest with us, no matter where you bank. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc, member FINRA/SIPC Securities are not insured by FDC or any other Government agency, are not deposits or obligations of Fiest Farmers Bank &Tnust, are not guaranteed by First Farmers Bank &Trust and are subject to risks, indluding possible loss of principal Investment Advisory Services ane offered theough Raymond James Financial Services Advisons, Inc. First Farmers Bank &Trust and Fint Farmers Bank & Trust Investment Geoup are not registered broker/dealers and are independent of Raymond James Financial Services INVESTMENT GROUP